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Democracy Requires Consensus. Consensus Requires Truth

We're sick of talking about fixing this country. It's time to actually do it. By pooling together the minds of this great nation in pursuit of clarity and consensus, we aim to overcome the partisan divisiveness and forge a new national consensus. There is one reality; one truth and if everyone puts aside their previous bias and seeks it, we will converge and be united around this shared consensus


It's time to optimize government and policy. There is so much that currently needs to be fixed; the time for bold action is now. Using the collective brainpower of the entire country, we are working to outline the most rational way forwards. 


Democracy requires consensus in order to function, and we need to be working hard towards building it. That means we need to stop giving a shit about left or right, and start caring about truth. By seeking the truth, and following wherever it may lead, we will  restore American politics by developing an intelligent consensus and putting it into action.


We believe in the America which once did things no one else could, but we have fallen a long way since then. Do not accept anything less than the best, the time to act is now! Join us in creating the New American Consensus! When we stand together and act as one, there is nothing we cannot accomplish!

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Best way to get in contact with us would be by following the New American Consensus Facebook page and sending us a message via Facebook Messenger. 




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Your donation goes towards the upkeep and expansion of the New Consensus website/domain. Any financial contributions in support of our effort would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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